Monday, March 30, 2015

Writing Progress...An Enemy?

Ever felt this way? Like you have the story, the whole picture inside your head, but you can't regurgitate it fast enough?

Well, that's doesn't sound right.

What I mean is, sometimes you know the whole story but it takes longer to express and buld that world than you thought, or at least longer than you'd like. I know people who can write a book in 6 weeks. That's not me. (Maybe one day? Eh, maybe not.) From the start, I think I know I'm a 4-draft writer. At least.

When you're painting those pictures, directing that movie on paper, there's a big transition from your head to a reader's hands--and getting it all right, so the reader's experience and emotions are just what you aimed for.

I had a chunk of time I devoted to my WIP this week, and while I made progress, it wasn't as much as I wanted. It's not enough! Why can't I write faster? is what I kept yelling at myself. For some, me included, such thoughts can work against you. Discourage you, make you quit.

But I--WE--must not stop writing.

I know the first draft is garbage, but I can work with a draft; I can't work with an unfleshed idea or an empty page.

So as I take a deep breath and launch into this week (already worried that upcoming commitments will deplete writing time), I'm making the decision to be happy with Progress. Any Progress.

And I'm going to keep telling the story.

Here's an article (a little dated but still good) on writing and making progress.

Have a great week of writing, Friends!

WIP Word Count: 18,420

Monday, March 23, 2015

Bonus Post

Admittedly, this doesn't have to do with my WIP, but I'm celebrating and wanted you to join in.

My new book (novella) A Dream Called Marilyn is out today!

Here's hoping you check it out and enjoy!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Writer Problems

What are some of the biggest challenges you face while writing?

I think most would agree that TIME is a big factor. We carve it out, steal it, sacrifice it, the works. All in a desperate attempt to make something with words.

This week, I invested more time in my kiddos than in my writing. I'm pretty proud of that, not because I swapped out being Awesome Mom for Working Writer, but because I know that time is a precious gift, our greatest commodity, something we can give and something we never get back.

I also invested in a writing workshop on Saturday. There's nothing like meeting and connecting with writers. We are an interesting bunch. I learned a lot, survived accidentally going down a one way street the wrong way (isn't writing like that sometimes?), and endured some harsh but needed feedback on a chapter.

Even so, I made progress on my WIP.

Word Count: 13, 321

Monday, March 16, 2015

Breaking my own rule

It's not Sunday.

BUT, I had to chime in, with a little bit of Monday left, and share that I met my goal! Made it to 10k, well, 10,243 for anyone who's counting.


The bad news? I'll have to revise my writing goals for the rest of the week, meaning I may not hit 20k by Sunday night (esp with being out of town all day Saturday).

But I guess we'll find out next Sunday.

Keep writing, reading, and editing, My Friends!


Sunday, March 15, 2015

The First Week

Needless to say, the first week of writing the new book didn't go as planned, but then I'm not sure exactly what that 'plan' was, other than to write. It's a good reminder, though, that when it comes to putting words on the page, you have to MAKE the time, or take the time away from your ordinary activities.

Like most writers, I'm trying to juggle several things (writing-wise) and hoping to do a good job at all of them. Is that possible?

But after starting the novel last week, I have over 6k words. Respectable, on some levels. However, my goal is to hit 10k by Monday night.

Who's with me on meeting their own particular goal?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Day One--The New Novel

I did it. Despite the fear that gripped me, distracted me, made me doubt. I'm keeping another personal log (on paper) so I'll have a place to vent and cry when needed. My first entry? 'I'm scared. Scared to start, scared to commit, scared I won't finish, scared it will be a dud.' I took a deep breath and started anyway. Then later tonight, I saw this quote..... (Thanks again to Lisa Keyes for sharing.)

#amwriting #newnovel #icandothis! #fearless

The Goal

I'm not sure anyone will ever read this blog. That's fine. This blog is for me. My intention? To keep a record of what it's like to write a book, from start to finish. As of today, I haven't written a word but I have a decent 'outline' and notes for getting started.

I plan to write updates, every Sunday, on the progress, setbacks, and so forth. Plus, I hope this keeps me accountable to my work.

My goal with this new project is to have a rough draft in 6-8 weeks, then spend the summer working on revisions, and *hopefully* publish this book by September / October.

This is scary. But a good scary.

Let's see how my plan unfolds, how it turns out in reality.

#amwriting #writerslife #thewritingprocess